Assumed worst-case starting point: indoor and outdoor humidity are the same
Relative Humidity
Relative Humidity
Temperature (Fahrenheit)
Δ grams per m^3
Temperature (Fahrenheit)
Calculate Absolute Humidty (grams/m3)
Calculate Absolute Humidity (grams/m3)
interior room volume in m^3
total water - grams
baseline grams water to be removed
Assumed worst-case starting point: indoor and outdoor humidity are the same, use max RH and temps expected, the default output is based on achieving the target level within 24 hours. You can experiment with various inputs. To meet the recurring dehumidification but assuming you start already at the target RH%, use the output called TOTAL RECURRING LOAD and
convert to pints per day using a multiplier of 2.21. Don't forget that most dehumidifier manufacturers rate capacity at AHAM conditions of 80F & 60%RH, thus the published capacity must be de-rated since real capacity at real conditions will be lower than capacity at AHAM ratings. Consult with the manufacturer to learn the real capacity at your conditions or de-rate the dehumidifiers published capacity by 20-25%.